How To Make Kuih Keria (Sweet Potato Doughnuts)

How To Make Kuih Keria (Sweet Potato Doughnuts)


4 (About 600g)Sweet Potatoes, peeled and cut into large chunks
100 g All-Purpose Flour
30 g Tapioca Flour
A Pinch of Sea Salt

Crystalized Sugar
100 g Granulated Sugar
3 Tbsp Water

Oil for deep-frying
Extra All-Purpose Flour for dusting


Boil the sweet potatoes until soft and cool completely. Mash and mix with all the flours and salt. Divide the dough into 12 portions. Shape into doughnut rings and dust with some flour.

Deep fry the doughnuts over medium heat until golden brown. Drain the doughnuts and set aside.

Boil the sugar and water until a thick syrup consistency are obtained. Toss in the fried doughnuts into the sugar syrup until well coated. The sugar will crystallize once it cool down.

Makes 12 Kuih Keria


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